In the current era and society, we’re usually exposed, not necessarily to the best and most effective ways of doing things, but to those best-profiting companies, lobbies, and governments. Rather than providing the much-needed alternative, self-help and fitness often reinforce the same addictions and sickness, glorifying culture and lifestyle.

We’ve been told that performing and feeling awesome requires implementing a series of sophisticated hacks and wasting resources attempting to enforce unsustainable suffering and shame-promoting habits; that building a great” physique is about draining all our energy dealing with food and maybe risking getting injured by lifting heavier than the next guy/gal.

We’re also told that misusing our bodies and their inherent powers is a sign of good health, whereas it actually makes us unhealthy, weak, fat, searching for quick fixes to handle life; also, that not succeeding in the (impossible) task of making our bodies function against their nature is a sign of being undisciplined and not having whatever it takes.

Based on the one meal a day eating pattern, this total self-development program (body, mind, and soul) provides the much-needed alternative. An alternative to actually work and replace the quick fixes, life-hacks, 6/12 week shortcuts, and the promising-to-make-you “limitless” pharmaceuticals and supplements

It encompasses plenty of information from various fields. Collected through tons of research, testing, and personal experiences, that information lets breaking free from the mentioned, customizing your own lifestyle. Starting with nutrition and training (for bodybuilding), this includes spiritual development practices like meditation, breathing, and stillness exercises.

Besides modern studies, life lessons, personal stories, the book also encompasses plenty of thought-provoking concepts heavily inspired either by the work of the most legendary bodybuilders, some modern scientists, or the ageless wisdom of some of the greatest metaphysicians from various traditions. The OG program is made to work as a whole. And as a whole, it is more than the sum of its parts.