This page has all the content I write and produce on various related to the occult, and personal development, such as various branches of philosophy. This includes book reviews, practical magick, personal reflections, and more. While I focus on systems like the Golden Dawn, Thelema, Qabalah, the Left-Hand Path, New Thought, etc, I also consider the latest research in the fields of neuroeconomics, behavioral science, and psychology.

Reflections on Being a Polymath

A Renaissance Person is a polymath who develops various skills based on their interests. This ideal emerged in Italy during the Renaissance. It is based on a notion by Leon Battista Alberti, who viewed such individuals as capable of doing [...]

Greater Hexagram Ritual Manual Overview

Introduction After the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn collapsed, Aleister Crowley (and Cecil Jones) expanded the curriculum, essentially rebuilding it. This resulted in the complete system of A∴A∴, which included modified techniques like the Greater Hexagram Ritual (GRH). [...]

2024-04-01T17:55:49+00:00March 31st, 2024|0 Comments

Energy Magick of the Vampyre Book Review

Introduction Reflecting on the author's life, Don Webb's Energy Magick of the Vampyre is a book you may want to mark many pages of. Dealing with gain and loss, life and death, such as life-in-death, the book trains one [...]

2024-03-25T15:24:25+00:00March 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Energy Magick of the Vampyre Book Review
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